Feeder Cables - 2AWG, 2/0, 4/0, 5 Wire Sets, Connectors, Pigtail ...
CABLES are "Made in America" to order & are shipped in 48 hours or earlier.
Discounts available, depending on quantity .....
Call 516.766.2266 - or - E-mail: Quotes@ALLBULBS.com
FEEDER Cable HUBBELL Connectors ...
HBL300F x Colors Female: HBL300FBK Black, HBL300FBL Blue, HBL300FR Red, HBL300FW White, HBL300FGN Green.
HBL300M x Colors Male: HBL300MBK Black, HBL300MBL Blue, HBL300MR Red, HBL300MW White, HBL300MGN Green.
HBL400F x Colors Female: HBL400FBK Black, HBL400FBL Blue, HBL400FR Red, HBL400FW White, HBL400FGN Green.
HBL400M x Colors Male: HBL400MBK Black, HBL400MBL Blue, HBL400MR Red, HBL400MW White, HBL400MGN Green.
Feeder Cable Extensions ... 2AWG, 2/0, 4/0, Connectors, Pigtail, Blunt and 5 Wire Sets.
Length from ... 5ft, 10ft, 25ft, 50ft, 75ft, 100ft, 150ft plus ...
Wire Choices ... 2AWG, 2/0 aught, 4/0 aught Wire.
Feeder Cable HUBBELL to ... Single Pole Devices and Watertight Hubbell IEC 60309 Pin and Sleeve plugs ...
ALL BULBS offers quantity discounts & will "BEAT ALL PRICES" on the web ... call us.
$98.30 $81.37
$98.30 $81.37
$211.69 $175.22
$211.69 $175.22
$211.69 $175.22
$211.69 $175.22
$211.69 $175.22
$1,533.16 $1,269.05
$330.22 $273.34
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$330.22 $273.34
$2,088.36 $1,728.61
$449.80 $372.32
$449.80 $372.32
$429.84 $355.79
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$2,643.54 $2,188.16
$569.38 $471.30
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$125.05 $103.51
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$1,372.80 $1,136.32
$305.90 $253.20
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$2,408.05 $1,993.24
$518.66 $429.31
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$3,400.69 $2,814.89
$732.46 $606.29
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$4,393.34 $3,636.55
$946.25 $783.25
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$197.56 $163.53
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$2,061.41 $1,706.31
$412.28 $341.26
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