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$718.17 $637.34
$632.54 $561.35
$631.93 $560.81
$546.31 $484.82
$1,004.47 $891.41
$929.04 $824.48
$838.28 $743.94
$874.78 $776.32
$722.58 $641.26
$722.58 $641.26
$701.69 $622.72
$869.74 $771.85
$687.25 $609.90
$773.97 $686.86
$737.12 $654.16
$599.17 $531.73
$682.16 $605.39
$1,193.50 $1,059.17
$1,058.30 $939.18
$907.45 $805.32
$1,193.50 $1,059.17
$1,058.30 $939.18
$907.45 $805.32
$868.17 $770.46
$836.66 $742.49
$734.98 $652.25
$739.44 $656.21
$1,276.54 $1,132.87
$1,131.20 $1,003.88
$969.04 $859.97
$1,194.22 $1,059.81
$1,058.02 $938.94
$907.20 $805.09
$1,474.16 $1,308.24
$1,318.68 $1,170.26
$1,145.21 $1,016.31
$1,359.59 $1,206.56
$1,204.11 $1,068.58
$1,030.63 $914.63
$1,359.59 $1,206.56
$1,204.11 $1,068.58
$1,030.63 $914.63
$1,333.69 $1,183.58
$1,183.97 $1,050.71
$1,018.07 $903.48
$1,442.19 $1,279.87
$1,296.85 $1,150.89
$1,134.69 $1,006.98
$1,525.24 $1,353.57
$1,369.76 $1,215.59
$1,196.28 $1,061.64
$1,705.50 $1,513.55
$1,262.58 $1,120.48
$1,705.50 $1,513.55
$1,262.58 $1,120.48
$1,820.08 $1,615.23
$1,377.16 $1,222.16
$1,373.26 $1,218.70
$1,309.04 $1,161.71
$1,237.39 $1,098.12
$1,681.73 $1,492.45
$1,512.73 $1,342.47
$1,324.17 $1,175.14
$1,555.94 $1,380.82
$1,491.72 $1,323.82
$1,420.07 $1,260.24
$2,915.24 $2,587.13
$506.25 $449.27
$512.26 $454.60
$620.60 $550.75
$546.31 $484.82
$463.00 $410.89
$411.33 $365.03
$416.21 $369.36
$355.18 $315.20
$284.76 $252.71
$288.14 $255.71
$284.76 $252.71
$288.14 $255.71
$245.89 $218.22
$253.12 $224.63
$256.13 $227.30
$218.57 $193.97
$1,202.06 $1,066.76
$1,147.51 $1,018.35
$1,165.25 $1,034.10
$1,488.26 $1,320.76
$1,316.57 $1,168.39
$1,200.21 $1,065.13
$1,358.88 $1,205.94
$1,216.05 $1,079.18
$1,220.55 $1,083.18
$1,023.01 $907.87
$957.66 $849.88
$833.73 $739.89